Clinical Engineering Support

If your hospital is grappling with a high volume of clinical engineering tasks, Avensys is here to offer short or long-term support until you’re back on track.

While many hospitals in the UK maintain in-house clinical engineering teams responsible for managing and maintaining biomedical equipment, there are instances where demand exceeds capacity. If left unaddressed, this can lead to a backlog, resulting in faulty devices in service, uncommissioned and unused new devices, and staff having to make difficult decisions prioritising work, all of which is critical and time sensitive.

Bringing on a permanent staff member can only be justified with a permanent increase in workload, and even then, obtaining authorisation can be challenging.

Whether it’s the commissioning of new devices, clearing a servicing or repair backlog, or undertaking device audits, Avensys can assist in any capacity necessary to ensure your devices remain compliant and your operations run smoothly. This service is offered from as little as a day to a rolling basis until completion.

With our extensive network of 90 engineers spanning the nation, we can reach every corner of the UK. Moreover, our ISO9001, ISO13485, and ISO14001 certifications guarantee the quality of our services.

This clinical engineering service is not limited to in-house EBME teams. Our engineers also support other third-party clinical engineering firms contracted to manage bio-medical equipment.

Our goal is to ensure hospitals operate seamlessly and efficiently, maximising patient care at all times.

Contact us for details of how clinical engineering support can help your department get back on track.