Periodic testing of Washer Disinfectors

Save with our New Year Training Offer! Book and pay for the Periodic Testing of Washer Disinfectors course by 31st March 2025 for the offer price of £1,650

Click to view offer terms and conditions

Learners will learn to perform periodic testing and validation of Washer-Disinfectors. They will also learn the underpinning knowledge to enable them to carry out these tests, and associated duties and understand their importance and the theory behind them.

All courses are available as an onsite course – we can bring this course to you, get in touch today to discuss options with one of our team!

Who Should Attend:

Previous experience in the testing/validation of decontamination equipment as an engineer is preferred for this course. Laboratory staff involved with the decontamination of instruments and laboratory equipment.


A background in Validation of other decontamination equipment is recommended for this course

Course Aim:

The aim of this course is to train learners to perform periodic testing/validation of Washer-Disinfectors and produce reports that are acceptable to Health Technical Memorandum 01-01

Course Objectives:

At the conclusion of the course the learners will be able to:

  • Explain the role of disinfection within the decontamination process
  • Explain the roles & responsibilities of key personnel
  • Describe microbiology terms and definitions most commonly referred to in decontamination
  • Summarise the principles of operation of a Washer Disinfector
  • Understanding the equipment used to test a Washer Disinfector
  • Prepare and calibrate test equipment
  • Detail periodic testing requirements and complete tests to quarterly level
  • Produce detailed reports using Logger software

Certification & Digital Credential

On successful completion of the course, learners will receive a City & Guilds certificate.

They will also receive a City & Guilds digital credential which proves that the learner attended and completed the course. 


What Next?

Learners should consider attending our other decontamination engineer courses:

  • Weekly testing of Large Porous Load Sterilisers
  • Periodic testing of Benchtop Sterilisers
  • Periodic testing of Large Porous Load Sterilisers

Application Form

Download Icon - Avensys Course Application Form (Download)

Useful Information

  1. When you have downloaded your Course Application Form please follow these steps:

    Fill in ALL sections of the form – these need to be completed in full to process your application and register you on the course.

    1. Please add all course costs including accommodation if requested.

    2. Booking forms must be filled in for all courses per person, even if several require spaces for the same course.

    3. When your application form is complete and has been authorised by your employer/provider please return either by email or post to:

    or Training Academy
    Black Country & Marches
    Institute of Technology
    Zoological Way
    DY1 4AL

    4. As per application form instructions, please send your purchase order to Avensys UK Training Ltd within seven days of receipt of your application form. Please use code TR when raising a purchase order followed by your order number e.g. TR123456. This then needs to be sent by post to the address above and/or emailed to and copy in

    5. Once your purchase order is received the course booking processes (catering, hotel, course documents etc.) will commence. Our accounts department will then issue an invoice for your purchase order.

    6. Payment for courses needs to be received two weeks before the course start date to confirm hotel accommodation, catering and course placement. Entry to the course will not be permitted on the course unless payment is received within the Terms & Conditions.

    Methods of Payment
    Cheque: Please make payable to Avensys UK Ltd
    BACS: contact

    For any queries please contact the Training Academy call us now on 01562 745858 or email

  2. Course Start and Finish Times
    The course starts at 9 am sharp and candidates generally arrive 10-15 mins beforehand for refreshments and registration. The course days typically finish at 5.00pm.

    Essentials for Arrival
    – Please bring with you a form of photographic ID, this is for registration and verification procedures for the awarding body.

    – You will need to sign in upon arrival with the Training Centre Coordinator.

    – You will also be asked to sign against your authorisation to take photographs for training purposes. The information is detailed in the pack you receive upon arrival.

    Lunch Arrangements
    Learners can purchase lunch from the Stir Cafe & Bistro which is located onsite
    at the Black Country & Marches Institute of Technology. Alternatively, there are
    numerous food vendors in the local vicinity.

    Mobile Phones
    For the duration of the lessons, mobile phones should remain switched off; they can be used during break times only.

    A no-smoking policy is operated inside all Avensys UK Training Ltd and Avensys UK Ltd premises, however, there are areas outside where learners are permitted to smoke during breaks.

    Dress Code
    There is no formal dress code – shoes and clothing should be suitable and appropriate for a classroom and practical environment.

    You will be required to move throughout the building, including up and down stairs. Please let us know if this will be a problem for you.

    Car Parking

    Free car parking is available on-site at the Institute of Technology car park.

    Social Networking
    We are a social bunch, don’t forget to like our Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn pages. Keep up to date with course calendars and news, help spread the word by liking and sharing our posts and events!

    Download Icon - Avensys Course Joining Information (Download)

  3. Travelling

    Our dedicated modern training facility for engineering technicians, clinicians and nursing staff, has up to date equipment and is centrally located in the Midlands within easy access to motorways and all network links.

    By road

    Free car parking is available on-site at the Institute of Technology car park.

    By air

    We’re approximately 25 miles (35-minute drive) from Birmingham airport.

    By rail

    We’re approximately 2-miles (7-minute taxi ride or 35-minute walk) from Dudley Port train station.

    If you have arranged course accommodation with us, then this is provided at The Village Hotel in Dudley.

    Please contact the training team if you require your individual booking reference. Information about the hotel’s facilities can be found on their website: 

    Download Icon - Avensys Course Joining Information (Download)

  4. Our dedicated team deliver courses that are to the highest standards; please download our Statement of Service
    & Training Services Customer Charter PDF for full details.

    Download Icon - Avensys Statement of Service & Training Services Customer Charter (Download)